Technology & Business consulting

Hire for remote, fractional Tech and business consultant/CTO

Tech or Business Consultant
Are you looking for a Remote/Fractional Tech consultant

Build your product or service
Technology RoadMap
Business Consulting
Product Management
With multiple years of experience in technology/Management in multiple domains (Fintech, hospitality), I would be happy to assist you.

Tech Business consulting expert CTO

- B2B and B2C solutions hosted on the cloud (AWS)
- Application of machine learning into startups
- Languages includes Python, Node.js, Java/J2EE, React Web, MERN, RDBMS, API, FullStack development, Integrations
- Business Automation
- Marketing Automation

As your Remote/Fractional Tech/business/Product Consultant/CTO

- Build your idea into product/service, will share the most cost-effective tech stack.
- Assess the current state of your technology.
- Review your requirements and develop a set of recommendations that will help you meet your goals.
- Develop a technology roadmap, recommending the most cost-effective solutions, and helping you implement the necessary technology.

Get started with us for a transformational change